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Construction Chemistry Specialist

About Us

Committed to Excellence

Biseka synergy is a technology company that focuses on the application of technology in the construction sector. In 2020 Biseka was established to be one of the leaders of innovation and technology in the scope of construction work, by combining more than 20 years of experience, the technological superiority of the Biseka Rnd team, and the local wisdom of the Indonesian people, Biseka believes that Indonesia can become a world construction technology leader.

Optimal Results With Low Cost

Effective and Efficient Work Method

Continuous Improvement For Solution and Innovation


CONCRETE TREATMENT SPECIALIST For Flooring, Casing, Coting, and Waterproofing


Floor Coating

Floor coating is one of the most frequently
used methods in the care and protection of
concrete floors, besides being able to
provide protection for concrete floors, floor
coatings can also provide security
guarantees for food and beverage products
from contamination that often arises from
ordinary floors such as mold, dust, etc.


Polished Concrete

Polished concrete is a multi-step process
where a concrete floor is mechanically
ground, honed and polished with bonded
abrasives in order to cut a concrete floor’s
surface. It is then refined with each cut in
order to achieve a specified level of
This process also includes the use of a
penetrant chemical known as a hardener.
The concrete densifier/hardener penetrates
into the concrete and creates a chemical
reaction to help harden and dust-proof the


Waterproofing & Injection

Leakage is a common problem that is often
faced by every building, besides being able
to interfere with activities, leaks can also
cause damage to the structure of the
building itself. Waterproofing methods that
can be used include coating and


Concrete Casting

Cast in place concrete is a technology of
construction of buildings where walls and
slabs of the buildings are cast at the site in
the formwork. This differs from precast
concrete technology where slabs are cast
elsewhere and then brought to the
construction site and assembled.It uses
concrete slabs for walls instead of bricks or
wooden panels, and formwork is used for
both walls and roof.

General Contractor Service

Apart from our main area of expertise, we
also have experience working on several
other jobs according to customer

For areas that are beyond our
expertise, we always work with experts in
their respective fields but are still under the
supervision of Biseka Synergy.

Our Services

Why Choose Biseka?

Biseka provides the best price with maximum results.

Biseka has a team of more than 20 years of experience.

Biseka has clear work standards and quality standards.

Biseka always provides a reliable guarantee.

Biseka always pays attention to safety in every job.

Biseka is always concerned with the accuracy of the schedule and specifications.

Biseka has been trusted by many national and multinational companies.


Our Article


Kamu harus tahu bahwa penerapan dan penggunaan cat epoxy pada lantai agar dapat memaksimalkan ketahanan lantai yang diinjak setiap hari. Selain itu, …


·         Epoxy Anti-Static Epoxy jenis ini bisa mengurangi bahaya statis yang mungkin terjadi. Seperti yang telah diketahui, sistem lantai biasanya mengandung bahan …

POLISH 4-min

·         Epoxy Mortar Jenis epoxy lantai berikutnya adalah epoxy mortar yang berasal dari campuran bahan keras dan padat yang mengering. Disebut mortar …


Epoxy merupakan salah satu jenis bahan resin kimia yang didapat dari reaksi polimerisasi epoksida. Zat ini digunakan sebagai pelindung karena memiliki daya …


Dari permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada lantai epoxy di atas, ada beberapa rekomendasi yang bisa Anda lakukan agar lantai epoxy bangunan Anda …


Beberapa medan lantai bangunan dengan mobilitas tinggi sering menggunakan epoxy lantai untuk melindungi lantai supaya lantai kuat dan memiliki daya tahan yang …

implora - sidoarjo

Satu hal yang pasti, cat biasanya lebih mudah diaplikasikan daripada pelapis. Dengan cat, aplikator hanya cukup mencuci permukaan lantai beton, membiarkan substrat …

indofood - surabaya

Epoxy merupakan material pelapis lantai yang terbuat dari bahan campuran resin dan bahan pengeras (poliamina). Ketika dicampur, bahan tersebut akan menimbulkan reaksi …


Lantai merupakan salah satu bagian yang paling rentan rusak dan mudah baret diakibatkan oleh gesekan berlebih. Cat epoxy lantai memiliki fungsi untuk …

tempo scan - mojokerto

Epoxy lantai sudah dikenal dan digunakan secara luas, khususnya pada bidang industri yang membutuhkan bangunan dengan standar kualitas tinggi. Coating atau pelapis lantai menjadi …


Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa rumah sakit adalah sebuah institusi pelayanan serta perawatan kesehatan profesional. Banyak aktifitas didalamnya baik dari tenaga medis, …

ati - pasuruan

Epoxy lantai self-leveling menjadi primadona dari jenis epoxy lantai. Dikenal karena kekhasan teknologinya yang mampu mempermudah pekerjaan aplikator epoxy, dan juga hasil …

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